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Causes of Nabothi Cysts and how to overcome them

Nabothi cyst is a cyst that is located on the surface of the cervix or cervix. Women of childbearing age before menopause in their 50s have a higher risk of developing Nabothi cysts. Generally these cysts are harmless and are not a sign of cervical cancer. Nabothi cysts can be formed when the cervical mucus-producing glands are blocked by skin cells and healing tissue growth. The appearance of Nabothi cysts on the surface of cervical tissue is characterized by small lumps that contain white or brownish-yellow fluid. The size of this lump varies, but can be enlarged to reach a diameter of 4 cm.

Recognize the Causes of Nabothi Cysts

Cervical mucus-producing glands can become blocked due to various things, including:
  • Physical trauma

  • Physical trauma in the form of injury or injury that occurs around the cervix can cause the formation of Nabothi cysts. During the wound healing process, excess tissue may grow above the cervical mucous glands, so that the mucus is trapped in the tissue and forms a Nabothi cyst. One of the physical trauma that often causes the emergence of Nabothi cyst is inflammation of the cervix or chronic cervicitis.
  • After giving birth

  • Similar to physical trauma, Nabothi cysts that form in women who have given birth can occur if excess skin cells grow above the mucous glands. The presence of skin cells above the mucous gland can cause blockages and cause Nabothi cysts to appear.

How to Overcome Nabothi Cysts Right

Often the emergence of Nabothi cysts are not realized by women, because no symptoms are felt. Cysts are generally only known when the size is enlarged or when a pelvic ultrasound examination, CT scan or MRI. If your doctor or gynecologist advises you to do the examination and you see a lump that is suspected to be a nabothi cyst, then you can do a further examination that is colposcopy. This action is done to re-ascertain whether the lump in the cervix that appears really nabothi cyst or not. If the results of colposcopy examination show the presence of Nabothi cysts, there may be no need for any treatment, as long as the cysts that appear do not interfere and cause pain. Surgical removal of the cyst may be recommended, if the Nabothi cyst continues to enlarge and risks damaging the shape or size of the cervix, and it is feared that it could interfere with its function. It's just that this case rarely happens. It is best to consult a doctor immediately if unusual vaginal mucus appears, bleeding between menstrual periods or pelvic pain. Possible infection around the Nabothi cyst or other disorders that need further examination. Generally the presence of Nabothi cyst is considered not harmful to health. It's just that, if you have a Nabothi cyst, you should do a periodic examination to the doctor to monitor its progress.
